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Mark My Words is a Sustainable Business Network Impact Investor

There is so much happening in the world, to people and to planet, and I've noticed that plenty of people are worried about it, and yet plenty of people are - still - doing nothing about it.

*Someone* should, but apparently, that someone is not them.

It's lead me to think about the assumption we make: that we are, individually, too small to make a difference.

As someone rolling solo in business, I admit I often think I'm too insignificant to really have any impact.

I do my bit, I measure my outputs; small changes matter, yes.

But it's collectively that we can truly create change - whether you are contributing one voice or 100.

Which is why I'm a Sustainable Business Network Impact Investor.

SBN leverages collective impact to work on projects that create system change in the key areas of climate, waste and nature. They advocate for positive changes to be cemented into the mainstream.

I find it a fine line between sharing my 'values' and virtue signalling when I talk about things like this. But someone wise once told me that change also takes leadership, which happens with visibility. (I also think 'good' business is about transparency and putting your actions where your mouth is.)

So, here's me saying you shouldn't wait until you're 'big enough' to do your bit —and today that might just be using your voice or tracking your carbon or planting a tree. It all counts.

If you're curious about SBN and the work they do, visit their website. You can also find a list of fellow Impact Investors - businesses who are also putting action behind their beliefs. If you're looking for values aligned businesses to work with, this network is a great place to start!